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Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Breaking Dawn (films)

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 "Forever is only the beginning."
Summit Entertainment, the studio behind the film adaptations of novels in the Twilight series, announced in November 2008 that it had obtained the rights to the rest of Stephenie Meyer's series, including Breaking Dawn. Breaking Dawn has been confirmed to be split in two parts. The release date of the first half of Breaking Dawn is set on November 18, 2011‎ while the second half is set on November 16, 2012.

"Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age 
The child is grown, and puts away childish things.
Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies.

      The movie opens at the Black house, where Jacob Black storms out, phases and runs toward the forest. His father, Billy, tries to stop him to no avail. After he is gone, he picks up a note on the ground and realizes it's an invitation to Bella Swan and Edward Cullen's wedding. Charlie Swan, Renée and Phil Dwyer receive the invitations as well. 

      At the Cullen house, Bella is trying out her bridal shoes at Alice Cullen's orders while the rest of the Cullens are setting up the scenery. Back at home, Bella packs up all of her stuff and reminisces Jacob's dreamcatcher, which is still hanging on her bed. Edward appears and tells her another part of his life, when he went on his own and fed on humans who were almost as monstrous as he thought himself as. Bella talks him out of thinking himself that way. Just then, Emmett Cullen and Jasper Hale arrive and demand that Edward follow them to his bachelor party. Bella goes to bed, and dreams about the Volturi and all of her human friends and family being dead, with Edward and herself stained with blood.
The next day, Alice and Rosalie Hale prepare Bella when Renée and Charlie arrive to give her an old silver hairclip with sapphires. Bella grows increasingly anxious and nervous when she walks down the aisle, until she sees Edward and all of her worries disappear. The wedding becomes a success and Bella and Edward are married. During the reception, Bella is greeted by the Denali Coven, but Irina becomes upset at the Cullens for inviting one of the wolves, Seth Clearwater. Jacob arrives and dances with Bella, but he gets angry when he hears that Bella and Edward plan on making love while she's still human, which he foresees as dangerous. The other wolves arrive and stop him.

         Edward takes Bella to Isle Esme for their honeymoon; a present to Esme Cullen from Carlisle Cullen. That night, they consummate their marriage. In the next morning, Edward is distraught because he had involuntarily hurt Bella, though she disagrees. They spend the next week exploring the islands and enjoying their honeymoon without making love, but Bella continues to persuade him. One night, she has a dream about it and wants it so badly that she pleads Edward to do it.
Back in La Push, Jacob is resentful of Edward and expects Bella to be dead by the time they return, and expects to kill him.
Bella realizes that she is pregnant when she sees her unused tampons and feels something move in her stomach. Edward takes her back to Forks for Carlisle to remove the baby. Unwilling to give up the baby, she calls Rosalie for help.

         Two weeks later, Jacob visits the Cullens and finds Bella pregnant at an unnatural rate. Despite everyone's warnings, Bella is determined to give birth and Rosalie is on her side. When the pack hear about this, Sam Uley decides to kill Bella to prevent the baby from becoming a threat to the nearby humans. Jacob, however, disagrees and embraces his rightful power as Alpha to separate himself from the pack. It doesn't take long before Seth and Leah Clearwater join him. Since they have told the Cullens about the pack's plan, Sam decides to surround the area and wait for the time to strike. The Cullens hide in their house for the time being as they starve.
Bella's condition worsens throughout the days as her body rejects any kind of food. Eventually, Jacob makes a comment that allows Edward to come up with an idea to help both the baby and Bella, by letting her drink human blood. She begins to feel better immediately.
When Edward hears the baby's thoughts for the first time and learns that it has goodness and loves her parents, his hatred for the baby disappears immediately. Jacob helps Esme, Carlisle and Emmett escape to hunt by distracting Embry Call, Paul Lahote, Quil Ateara V and Jared Cameron. However, they are discovered by the two remaining wolves, Brady Fuller and Collin Littlesea. Back at the house, Bella tells Jacob the names that she'd settled for the baby: "Edward Jacob - shortened E.J." if it is a boy, and "Renesmee - derived from Renée and Esme" if it is a girl. Shortly after telling them the names, the baby's placenta detaches and Bella goes through an incredibly painful labor, with her spine and several bones broken by the baby's struggle. Rosalie tries to get the baby out, but loses control when she opens Bella's womb. Edward proceeds with the surgery and acknowledges that the baby is a girl, calling her "Renesmee". Bella's heart stops beating after the birth, and Edward injects his venom into her system and fights to save her. The venom begins to take effect, but Edward doesn't notice it.
Jacob, broken by loss, cries in the backyard while Paul eavesdrops on them. The pack decides to make their move after being informed of Bella's death and confirming the baby's threat to humans. Meanwhile, Jacob goes back inside to kill the baby, who is now in Rosalie's care; but the moment he looks into her eyes, he imprints on her and all of his previous attachments become severed.

       The pack arrives and a fight erupts between the Cullens and the pack: Leah, Seth, Emmett, Esme and Carlisle arrive just in time to neutralize their approach. When Sam readies to strike again, Jacob leaps into the backyard and tells them that he has imprinted on Renesmee, which has made her untouchable to the other wolves. Because of this, the wolves are forced to make permanent peace with the Cullens.
In the following days, Bella's transformation continues as her body heals itself. The movie ends with everyone standing warily still as Bella opens her eyes, which are now blood-red as she has become a newborn vampire.
In a post-credits scene, it is revealed that the Volturi has been informed of Bella and Edward's wedding and Bella's transformation into a vampire. Marcus states that they have no further business with the Cullens. However, Aro disagrees saying he still wants something, i.e. Bella, Alice and Edward's powers.

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